FlyoDoc_2011 Pisa 2011 by GmP --- 011


Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /***************************************************************************
00002                           carte.cpp  -  description
00003                              -------------------
00004     begin                : Sat Dec 9 2000
00005     copyright            : (C) 2000 by Giuseppe M Pierazzini
00006     email                :
00007  ***************************************************************************
00008  *                                                                         *
00009  *   NA48  simulation program.           New version    3.02.2005                               *
00010  *                                                                         *
00011  ***************************************************************************/
00013 //   Cp in obj
00014 #include <flyoh.h>
00015 #include <flyoana.h>
00016 #include <analisi.h>
00017 /*
00018 #define ATOLW  atol(strtok(0," \n"))
00019 #define ATOFW  atof(strtok(0," \n"))*/
00020 #define NOTDEFINED -999999.
00022 //using namespace std;
00039 void DevGeoTipo ( string );
00040 void ReaTipo ( string );
00041 int  AnaTipo ( string );
00044 /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/
00045 /*                R e a d i n                                   */
00046 /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/
00047 /* it  reads in the input data cards              Readin        */
00049 void
00050 Legge_input_file ( const char *datin )
00051 {
00052     //  random generator inizialitialization correlato o no
00053     //  Correla =0  no correlazione
00054     //  Correla =1  inizializza la partenza con il numero di run
00055     //  Correla =2 inizializza con num. evento e run
00056     //  Correla =4  per special run K+ e K-
00057     Device *dev=Apparato;
00058     std::ifstream Card;
00059     //-------------------------------
00060 ( datin, ios::in );
00061     if ( !Card )
00062     {
00063         Gout<<"\n Input file  NOT opened        ==> "<< datin;
00064         Gout<<"\n no input files ..program stop !!! \n"<<endl;
00065         exit ( -1 );
00066     }
00067     else
00068         Gout<<"\n Read the input_file           ==> "<<datin<<endl;
00071     //--------------------------------
00072     char line[156];
00073     string stringline,label,label2;
00074     double a1,a2,a3;
00075     int ia1,ia2;
00077     Card.getline ( line, 156 );
00078     while ( !Card.eof() )
00079     {
00081         Cardcur=&Card;
00082 // decodifica
00083         stringline=line;
00084         stringstream scheda;
00085         scheda<<line;
00086         scheda>>label;
00087         if ( Dbginput==1 )
00088         {
00089             Gout<<"\n Carte label: "<<label<<"  Linea:"<<line;
00090         }
00092         if ( stringline.size()      <1  ||
00093                 label.find ( "**" )  ==0  ||
00094                 label.find ( "\\\\" ) ==0  ||
00095                 label.find ( "//" )  ==0 )
00096         {
00097             Card.getline ( line, 156 );
00098             continue;
00099         } //line empty or comment next line
00101         if ( label.find ( "end_a" ) ==0 )    break;
00102         else if ( label.find ( "done" ) ==0 );
00103         else if ( label.find ( "stopr" ) ==0 )
00104         {
00105             Gout<< "\n Stop by operator. ";
00106             exit ( 0 ); /* for internal debug */
00107         }
00108         else if ( label.find ( "nota" ) ==0 ) Commenta ( datin );  //end with: done,end,fine,*/
00109         else if ( label.find ( "note" ) ==0 ) Commenta ( datin );
00110         else if ( label.find ( "comme" ) ==0 ) Commenta ( datin );
00111         //-----Key words begin --------
00112         else if ( label.find ( "corr" ) ==0 )   scheda>>Correla;
00113         else if ( label.find ( "run" ) ==0 )
00114         {
00115             if ( evento_.Gen.Run==0 ) scheda>>evento_.Gen.Run;
00116         }
00117         else if ( label.find ( "maxev" ) ==0 )
00118         {
00119             if ( evento_.Mxev==0 ) scheda>>evento_.Mxev;
00120         }
00121         else if ( label.find ( "labze" ) ==0 )
00122         {
00123             if ( Lab_Zero[0]!=-999999. )
00124             {
00125                 Gout<<"\n 'labzero' card out of sequence..put at beginning!! exit..."<<endl;
00126                 exit ( 0 );
00127             }
00128             scheda>>a1>>a2>>a3;
00129             Lab_Zero.setvn ( a1,a2,a3 );
00130         }
00131         else if ( label.find ( "fiduc" ) ==0 )
00132         {
00133             scheda>>a1>>a2;
00134             Beg_fid=a1-Lab_Zero[2];
00135             double aux =a2-Lab_Zero[2];
00136             if ( aux>0. ) End_fid=aux;
00137         }
00138         else if ( label.find ( "zona" ) ==0 )
00139         {
00140             scheda>>a1;
00141             Zona=a1-Lab_Zero[2];
00142             if ( Zona<100. ) Zona=100000.;
00143         }
00144         else if ( label.find ( "debgl" ) ==0 )   scheda>>evento_.Debg_last;
00145         else if ( label.find ( "debgf" ) ==0 )   scheda>>evento_.Debg_first;
00146         else if ( label.find ( "ppp" ) ==0 )   scheda>>ppp;
00147         else if ( label.find ( "tburst" ) ==0 )
00148         {
00149             scheda>>a1;
00150             TBurst->Set_Tburst ( a1 );
00151         }
00152         else if ( label.find ( "illum" ) ==0 )   Luce=new Illumina(); // default 0
00153         else if ( label.find ( "radx" ) ==0 )
00154         {
00155             scheda>>ia1>>ia2;
00156             Radio=new Radiografia ( ia1,ia2 );
00157         }
00158         else if ( label.find ( "error" ) ==0 )   Errori=1;
00159         else if ( label.find ( "scatt" ) ==0 )   Scatter=1;
00160         else if ( label.find ( "perdi" ) ==0 )   Perdita=1;
00161         else if ( label.find ( "pairp" ) ==0 )   Abilita_Pair=1;
00162         else if ( label.find ( "brems" ) ==0 )   Abilita_Brems=1;
00163         else if ( label.find ( "wrtntal" ) ==0 )  WrtNt=10;
00164         else if ( label.find ( "wrtnt" ) ==0 )   WrtNt = 1; // default 0
00165         else if ( label.find ( "tracc" ) ==0 )    Wtrk = 1; // default 0
00166         //  else if(strncmp(word,"verti", 5)==0)   Vertice = 1; // default 0
00168      /*   else if ( label.find ( "pipe" ) ==0 )
00169         {
00170            if(Pipeline>0) scheda>>Tpipe;
00171             else Tpipe=0.;
00172         }
00173 */
00174         else if ( label.find ( "trigg" ) ==0 )  Trigger_low_on=1;
00175         else if ( label.find ( "dbginput" ) ==0 ) Dbginput = 1;
00176         else if ( label.find ( "materiali" ) ==0 );
00177         else if ( label.find ( "data_bas" ) ==0 );
00178         else if ( label.find ( "unseen" ) ==0 )
00179         {
00180             string wrd;
00181             scheda>>wrd;
00182             while ( scheda.eof() ==0 )
00183             {
00184                 Matter->Notseen ( wrd.c_str() );
00185                 scheda>>wrd;
00186             }
00187         }
00189 //==========
00190         else if ( label.find ( "beam" ) ==0 )
00191         {
00192             scheda>>label2;
00193             ReaTipo (label2 );
00194         }
00195         else if ( label.find ( "decay" ) ==0 || label.find ( "urto" ) ==0 )
00196         {
00197             scheda>>label2;
00198             ReaTipo ( label2 );
00199         }
00200 //===========
00201         else if ( label.find ( "devic" ) ==0 )
00202         {
00203             scheda>>label2;
00204             DevGeoTipo ( label2 );
00205         }
00206         else if ( AnaTipo ( label ) ==1 );
00207         else if ( label.find ( "include" ) ==0 ) // more data file
00208         {
00210             string newfile;
00211             scheda>>newfile;
00212             if ( newfile.size() >0 )
00213             {
00214                 Gout<<"\n New input file                ==> "<<newfile<<"  called by " <<datin;
00215                 Legge_input_file ( newfile.c_str() );
00216                 Gout<<"\n Back to file                  ==> "<<datin;
00217             }
00218             else
00219             {
00220                 Gout<<"\n New file called by            ==> "<<datin<<"   not opened... Error "<<endl;
00221                 exit ( -1 );
00222             }
00224         }
00225         else if ( label.find ( "pr_data" ) ==0&&Matter  !=0 )  Matter->Show();
00226         else if ( label.find ( "pr_reaz" ) ==0&&Reaction!=0 )  Reaction->Stampa();
00227         else if ( label.find ( "pr_mate" ) ==0&&Elemento!=0 )  Elemento->Show();
00228         else if ( label.find ( "pr_devId" ) ==0&&Apparato!=0 ) Apparato->PrgeomId();
00229         else if ( label.find ( "pr_devic" ) ==0&&Apparato!=0 )
00230         {
00231             dev=Apparato;
00232             Gout<<"\n\n==================  Detectors block =====================\n";
00233             while ( dev!=0 )
00234             {
00235                 dev->Prgeom();
00236                 dev=dev->next;
00237             }
00238             Gout<<"\n===========  End apparatus list   ============\n \n \n";
00239         }
00240         else Gout<<"\n Scheda errata ?? : "<<stringline<< " of  size "<< stringline.size();
00241         //----------  Key words  end  ----------
00242         Card.getline ( line, 156 );
00243     }
00244     Gout<<"\n End reading; close the file   ==> "<<datin;
00245     Card.close();
00246 }
00249 void Sommario_Input_Data()
00250 {
00251     //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
00253     Gout<<"\n\n  *********************************************";
00254     Gout<<"\n  --   Driving Parameters  S u m m a r y     --"<<endl;
00257     if ( Apparato!=0 )
00258     {
00259         // final summary
00261         Gout<<setprecision ( 4 );
00262         Gout<<"\n  Run number           = "<<evento_.Gen.Run;
00263         Gout<<"\n  Max  Events          = "<< evento_.Mxev;
00264         Gout<<"\n  Debug, first event   = "<<evento_.Debg_first;
00265         Gout<<"\n  Debug, last  event   = "<<evento_.Debg_last;
00266         Gout<<"\n  Lab System bias x,y,z= "<< setw ( 9 ) <<Lab_Zero[0]<<" "<<setw ( 9 )
00267         <<Lab_Zero[1]<<" "<<setw ( 9 ) <<Lab_Zero[2];
00268         Gout<<"\n  Max z  (Zona)        = "<<Zona;
00269         Gout<<"\n  Beg_fid <-> End_fid  = "<<Beg_fid<<" <-> "<< End_fid;
00270         Gout<<"\n  Protons: ppp         = "<< ppp;
00271         Gout<<"\n  T Burst in sec       = "<< TBurst->Get_Tburst() *1.e-9;
00272         Gout<<"\n  Production ppp/ns    = "<< ppp/TBurst->Get_Tburst()
00273         << " with  Tau "<<TBurst->Get_Tburst() /ppp;
00275         Gout<<"\n----\n";
00276         Gout<<"\n  Random. Correlated   = "<<
00277 ( Correla?Correla-1?Correla-3?Correla-4?"Run+CP":"K+K-":"Run+Ev":"Run":"no" );
00278         Gout<<"\n  Dbginput status      = "<< ( Dbginput?"si":"no" );
00279         Gout<<"\n  Error smearing       = "<< ( Errori?"si":"no" );
00280         Gout<<"\n  PairProduction       = "<< ( Abilita_Pair?"si":"no" );
00281         Gout<<"\n  Bremsstrhalung       = "<< ( Abilita_Brems?"si":"no" );
00282         Gout<<"\n  Multiple Scattering  = "<< ( Scatter?"si":"no" );
00283         Gout<<"\n  Energy loss          = "<< ( Perdita?"si":"no" );
00284         Gout<<"\n----\n";
00286         Gout<<"\n  Trigger low level    = "<< ( Trigger_low_on?" on ":"no" );
00287         Gout<<"\n  Pipeline status      = "<< ( Pipeline?" on ":"off" );
00288         if ( Pipeline==1 ) Gout<<"\n  Pipeline max time window = "<<Tpipe<< "  ns";
00289         Gout<<"\n  Write dati (WrtN)    = "<< ( WrtNt?"si":"no" ) <<"  "<<WrtNt;
00290         Gout<<"\n  Write data_out       = "<< ( WrtNt?WrtNt-10?"good":"All":"no" ) <<"  "<<WrtNt;
00292         Gout<<"\n  Write data out type  = "<<Wrtype<<"  "<<Wrt_type_out;
00293         Gout<<"\n  Illumina end coord.  = "<< ( Luce?"si":"no" );
00294         Gout<<"\n  Write radx picture   = "<< ( Radio?"si":"no" );
00295         if ( Radio!=0 )
00296             Gout<<" - Rivelatori tra "<<Radio->primo_dev<<" e "<<Radio->ultimo_dev;
00297         Gout<<"\n  Write tracks out     = "<< ( Wtrk?"si":"no" );
00300         Gout<<"\n----\n";
00301         Gout<<"\n  Fit User defined     = "<< ( Ausr?"si":"no" ) <<"  "<<Ausr;
00302         Gout<<"\n  Fit K->2pi0->4gam    = "<< ( K4g?"si":"no" ) <<"  "<<K4g;
00303         Gout<<"\n  Fit K->3pi0->6gam    = "<< ( K6g?"si":"no" ) <<"  "<<K6g;
00304         Gout<<"\n  Fit K->2pi           = "<< ( K2p?"si":"no" ) <<"  "<<K2p;
00305         Gout<<"\n  Fit K->3pi           = "<< ( K3p?"si":"no" ) <<"  "<<K3p;
00306         Gout<<"\n  Fit K->2pi0 2gam     = "<< ( K2p2g?"si":"no" ) <<"  "<<K2p2g<< " to be coded... ";
00307         Gout<<"\n  Fit K->pi l  nu      = "<< ( K3l?"si":"no" ) <<"  "<<K3l;
00308         Gout<<"\n  Fit K->pi A(pi+pi-)  = "<< ( Ka2pi?"si":"no" ) <<"  "<<Ka2pi;
00309         Gout<<"\n  Fit Pi0->2gam        = "<< ( Pi2g?"si":"no" ) <<"  "<<Pi2g;
00310         Gout<<"\n  Fit Eta->2gam        = "<< ( E2g?"si":"no" ) <<"  "<<E2g;
00311         Gout<<"\n  Fit Eta->3pi0->6gam  = "<< ( E6g?"si":"no" ) <<"  "<<E6g;
00312         Gout<<"\n  Fit K->l nu          = "<< ( Kl2?"si":"no" ) <<"  "<<Kl2;
00313         Gout<<"\n  Fit K->e v g         = "<< ( Ke2g?"si":"no" ) <<"  "<<Ke2g;
00314         Gout<<"\n  Fit K->pic g g       = "<< ( Kpc2g?"si":"no" ) <<"  "<<Kpc2g<< " to be coded... ";
00315         Gout<<"\n  Fit K->pic pi0       = "<< ( Kpcpi0?"si":"no" ) <<"  "<<Kpcpi0;
00316         Gout<<"\n  Fit K->pic pi0 pi0   = "<< ( Kpc2p0?"si":"no" ) <<"  "<<Kpc2p0;
00317         Gout<<"\n  Fit K->pi0 pi0 e nu  = "<< ( K2p0enu?"si":"no" ) <<"  "<<K2p0enu;
00318         Gout<<"\n  Fit K->p- pi+  e nu  = "<< ( K2pcenu?"si":"no" ) <<"  "<<K2pcenu;
00319         Gout<<"\n  Fit K->pic 3 g       = "<< ( Kpc3g?"si":"no" ) <<"  "<<Kpc3g<< " to be coded... ";
00320         Gout<<"\n  Fit K->pic nu nu     = "<< ( Kpivv?"si":"no" ) <<"  "<<Kpivv;
00321         Gout<<"\n  Fit K->mu nu         = "<< ( Kmunu?"si":"no" ) <<"  "<<Kmunu;
00322         Gout<<"\n  Fit K->pip pi0       = "<< ( Kpip0?"si":"no" ) <<"  "<<Kpip0;
00323         Gout<<"\n  Fit K->pip pi0ee     = "<< ( Kpip0ee?"si":"no" ) <<"  "<<Kpip0;
00325         Gout<<"\n  Fit K->pi0 nu nu     = "<< ( Kpovv?"si":"no" ) <<"  "<<Kpovv;
00326         Gout<<"\n  Fit K->e nu g        = "<< ( Kevg?"si":"no" ) <<"  "<<Kevg<< " to be coded... ";
00327         Gout<<"\n  Fit K->mu nu g       = "<< ( Kmvg?"si":"no" ) <<"  "<<Kmvg<< " to be coded... "<<endl;
00328         //
00330         Gout<<"\n\n  ************ End parameter list  ***********\n\n";
00332     }
00334 }
00335 //=============================================================
00336 //---------------- D e v G e o T i p o -----------------------
00337 void DevGeoTipo ( string geometria )
00338 {
00340     /**********************  vedi Device.h
00341         Scelta della classe che descrive il rivelatore
00343     Control word in epc   shape              class     device Type
00344     (first 5 characters)done
00345       no             no                      Device          0
00346     rettangolo     parallelepipedo           DevRt           1
00347     rettrett       parall. con buco rett.    DevRtRt         2
00348     cilindro       cilindro                  DevCln          3
00349     rettcili       parall. con buco cili.    DevRtCl         4
00350     cilirett       cilin. con buco rett.     DevClRt         5
00351     corona         corona cilindrica         DevCrn          6
00352     ottagono       ottagonale                DevOt           7
00353     ottagono       ott.con buco ottag.       DevOtOt         8
00354     ottagono       ott. con buco cil.        DevOtCl         9
00355     cilindro       cilind. con buco ott.     DevClOt        10
00358     magnete        magnete                   DevMagn         20
00359     quadrupolo     quadrupolo magnetico      DevQuad         21
00360     magnete        Mag.con buco per filtro   DevFlt          22
00361     fluka          Dec.Reg. shape-beam-gas   DevFluka        23
00363     chamber        Mwire Chamber             DevMwc          50
00364     lkr48          calorimetro(Na48)         DevLkr          51
00365     chod           hodoscopio (NA62)         DevChod         52
00366     hac48          Adron.calor(NA48)         DevHac          53
00367     ytax           acromat collimator        DevYTax         54
00368     xtax           acromat collimator        DevXTax         55
00369     bluetube       Blu tube                  DevBlue         57
00371     software       no shape                  DevTrk          100
00372     basedev        Rivelatore di base        DevBase         500
00373     **********************/
00375     Device *dev=0;
00376     if ( geometria.size() == 0 )
00377     {
00378         Gout<<"\n Device geometry error !!! \n"<<endl;
00379         exit ( 0 );
00380     }
00382     // definizione dello zero (bias) del sistema del lab. Tutti i rivelatori sono
00383     // spostati di conseguenza..
00384     if ( Lab_Zero[0]==NOTDEFINED )
00385     {
00386         Gout<<"\n \n *** System lab origin NOT defined.. forced to zero!!!";
00387         Lab_Zero.setvn ( 0.,0.,0. );
00388     }
00390     // choice of device geom
00392     if      ( geometria.find ( "cedar" ) ==0 ) dev= new DevCedar;
00393     else if ( geometria.find ( "chamb" ) ==0 ) dev= new DevMwc; //==CiliCili
00394     else if ( geometria.find ( "chanti") ==0 ) dev= new DevChanti;
00395     else if ( geometria.find ( "chod"  ) ==0 ) dev= new DevChod;
00396     else if ( geometria.find ( "cilin" ) ==0 ) dev= new DevCln; //==Cilindrico
00397     else if ( geometria.find ( "cilir" ) ==0 ) dev= new DevClRt;
00398     else if ( geometria.find ( "cilot" ) ==0 ) dev= new DevClOt;//==Cili_otto
00399     else if ( geometria.find ( "coron" ) ==0 ) dev= new DevCrn;  //==CiliCili
00400     else if ( geometria.find ( "fluka" ) ==0 ) dev= new DevFluka;
00401     else if ( geometria.find ( "gigat" ) ==0 ) dev= new DevGtk;
00402     else if ( geometria.find ( "hac48" ) ==0 ) dev= new DevHac;
00403     else if ( geometria.find ( "hod48" ) ==0 ) dev= new DevChod;
00404     else if ( geometria.find ( "irc"   ) ==0 ) dev= new DevIrc;
00405     else if ( geometria.find ( "lav"   ) ==0 ) dev= new DevLav;
00406     else if ( geometria.find ( "lkr48" ) ==0 ) dev= new DevLkr;
00407     else if ( geometria.find ( "lkr62" ) ==0 ) dev= new DevLkr;
00408     else if ( geometria.find ( "lveto" ) ==0 ) dev= new DevLav;
00409     else if ( geometria.find ( "magne" ) ==0 ) dev= new DevMagn;
00410     else if ( geometria.find ( "muflt" ) ==0 ) dev= new DevFlt;
00411     else if ( geometria.find ( "muveto") ==0 ) dev= new DevMuv;
00412     else if ( geometria.find ( "ottag" ) ==0 ) dev= new DevOt;   //==Ottagonale
00413     else if ( geometria.find ( "ottci" ) ==0 ) dev= new DevOtCl; //==Ottag_cil
00414     else if ( geometria.find ( "ottot" ) ==0 ) dev= new DevOtOt; //==Ottag_otta
00415     else if ( geometria.find ( "quadr" ) ==0 ) dev= new DevQuad;
00416     else if ( geometria.find ( "retre" ) ==0 ) dev= new DevRtRt; //==Ret_ret
00417     else if ( geometria.find ( "retta" ) ==0 ) dev= new DevRt;   //==Rettangolare
00418     else if ( geometria.find ( "rettc" ) ==0 ) dev= new DevRtCl; //==Rett_cil
00419     else if ( geometria.find ( "rette" ) ==0 ) dev= new DevRt;   //==Rettangolare
00420     else if ( geometria.find ( "rettr" ) ==0 ) dev= new DevRtRt; //==Ret_ret
00421     else if ( geometria.find ( "rich"  ) ==0 ) dev= new DevRich;
00422     else if ( geometria.find ( "sac"   ) ==0 ) dev= new DevSac;
00423     else if ( geometria.find ( "settor") ==0 ) dev= new DevSector;
00424     else if ( geometria.find ( "sfera" ) ==0 ) dev= new DevSfera;
00425     else if ( geometria.find ( "straw" ) ==0 ) dev= new DevStraw;
00426     else if ( geometria.find ( "sveto" ) ==0 ) dev= new DevSveto;
00427     else if ( geometria.find ( "xtax"  ) ==0 ) dev= new DevXTax;
00428     else if ( geometria.find ( "ytax"  ) ==0 ) dev= new DevYTax;
00430     else
00431     {
00432         Gout<<"\n Device    => geom wrong!!! "<<geometria;
00433         exit ( 0 );
00434     }
00435     //Gout<<endl;
00436 }
00437 //==============================================================
00438 //---------------------  R e a T i p o ------------------------
00439 void ReaTipo (  string label )
00440 {
00441     Reazione *rea=0;
00442     const char *part;
00444     if ( label.size() == 0 )
00445     {
00446         Gout<<"\n Decay error !!! \n"<<endl;
00447     }
00448     part= Matter->Ptbsdat ( label.c_str() );
00451     // choice of reaction type
00452     if ( part==Kapl )  rea=new ReaKld (  );
00453     else if ( part==Kaps )  rea=new ReaKsd (  );
00454     else if ( part==Kap0 )  rea=new ReaK0d (  );
00455     else if ( part==Kapm )  rea=new ReaKmd (  );
00456     else if ( part==Kapp )  rea=new ReaKpd (  );
00457     else if ( part==Pim )  rea=new Reapmd (  );
00458     else if ( part==Pip )  rea=new Reappd (  );
00459     else if ( part==Mum )  rea=new Reamumd (  );
00460     else if ( part==Mup )  rea=new Reamupd (  );
00461     else if ( part==Eta )  rea=new ReaEtad (  );
00462     else if ( part==Elec )  rea=new ReaEleb (  );
00463     else if ( part==Elep )  rea=new ReaEleb (  );
00464     else if ( part==Protone ) rea=new ReaPb (  );
00465     else if ( part==Gam ) rea=new ReaGam (  );
00466     else if ( part==Lambda ) rea=new ReaLambda (  );
00467     else if ( label.find ( "csi" ) ==0 ) rea=new ReaCsid (  );
00468     else if ( label.find ( "pi0d" ) ==0 ) rea=new ReaPi0d (  );
00469     else
00470     {
00471         Gout<<"\n Decay wrong starting label!!! "<< label<<" \n"<<endl;
00472         exit ( 0 );
00473     }
00475 }
00476 //===========================================================
00477 //---------------- A n a T i p o ----------------------------
00479 int AnaTipo ( string ipotesi )
00480 {
00481     //    fits
00482     //int K4g,K6g,K2p,K3p,K3l,Ka2pi,Pi2g,E2g,E6g,K2p2g,Bea;
00483     //int Kenu,Kpc2g,Kpcp0,Kpcp0g,Kpc2p0,K2p0enu,K2pcenu,Kpc3g;
00484     if ( ipotesi == "fascio") Bea=1;
00485     else if ( ipotesi == "user") Ausr=1;
00486     else if ( ipotesi == "k4g") K4g=1;
00487     else if ( ipotesi == "k6g") K6g=1;
00488     else if ( ipotesi == "kppgg") K2p2g=1;
00489     else if ( ipotesi == "k2p") K2p=1;
00490     else if ( ipotesi == "k3p") K3p=1;
00491     else if ( ipotesi == "k3l") K3l=1;
00492     else if ( ipotesi == "ka2pi") Ka2pi=1;
00493     else if ( ipotesi == "pi2g") Pi2g=1;
00494     else if ( ipotesi == "e2g") E2g=1;
00495     else if ( ipotesi == "e6g") E6g=1;
00496     else if ( ipotesi == "kl2") Kl2=1;
00497     else if ( ipotesi == "ke2g") Ke2g=1;
00498     else if ( ipotesi == "kpc2g") Kpc2g=1;
00499     else if ( ipotesi == "kpcpi0") Kpcpi0=1;
00500     else if ( ipotesi == "kpc2p0") Kpc2p0=1;
00501     else if ( ipotesi == "kppcenu") K2p0enu=1;
00502     else if ( ipotesi == "kpp0enu") K2pcenu=1;
00503     else if ( ipotesi == "kpivv") Kpivv=1;    
00504                 else if ( ipotesi == "kmunu") Kmunu=1;  
00507     else if ( ipotesi == "kpip0") Kpip0=1;
00508     else if ( ipotesi == "kpip0ee") Kpip0ee=1;
00510     else if ( ipotesi == "klambda") Klambda=1;
00512     else if ( ipotesi == "kpovv") Kpovv=1;
00513     else if ( ipotesi == "kevg") Kevg=1;
00514     else if ( ipotesi == "kpievg") Kpievg=1;
00515     else if ( ipotesi == "kmvg") Kmvg=1;
00516     else return 0;
00517     return 1;
00518 }
00520 //======================
00522 void Commenta ( const char *datin )
00523 {
00524     char line[80];
00525     string logistica;
00526     Cardcur->getline ( line, 80 );
00527     Gout<<"\n\n || ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~" ;
00528     Gout<<"\n || ----   U S E R  N O T E  / Promemoria  ----";
00529     Gout<<"\n || from file:  "<<datin ;
00530     while ( !Cardcur->eof() )
00531     {
00532         Gout<<"\n |> ";
00533         Gout<<line;
00534         logistica=line;
00535         if ( logistica.size() !=0 )
00536         {
00537             if ( logistica.find ( "done" ) == 0 ) break;
00538             if ( logistica.find ( "end" ) == 0 ) break;
00539             if ( logistica.find ( "fine" ) == 0 ) break;
00540             if ( logistica.find ( "stop" ) == 0 ) break;
00541             if ( logistica.find ( "*/" ) == 0 ) break;
00542         }
00543         Cardcur->getline ( line, 80 );
00544     }
00545     Gout<<"\n ||   ---- User Note  / Promemoria  E N D  ---- ";
00546     Gout<<"\n || ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\n" ;
00548 }
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