FlyoDoc_2011 Pisa 2011 by GmP --- 011
Public Member Functions

DevCedar Class Reference

#include <devcedar.h>

Inheritance diagram for DevCedar:
DevCln Device

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

virtual int SimulaDev ()
virtual void Prgeom ()

Detailed Description

NA62 device The CERN CEDAR counter (see Figure 1) has been designed to identify particles of a specific mass by making the detector blind to the Cerenkov light produced by particles of different mass. The Cerenkov light emitted by particles of different mass is then not transported by the CEDAR optics through the diaphragm slit onto the light detectors but absorbed on its way. === Element Z (mm) Entrance window 0 Upstream end of quartz windows 1111 Condenser plane 1211 Diaphragm plane 1251 Chromatic corrector upstream end 2234 Mangin mirror exit 5772 Exit window 5772 ===

Giuseppe Pierazzini

Definition at line 29 of file devcedar.h.

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