FlyoDoc_2011 Pisa 2011 by GmP --- 011


00001 /***************************************************************************
00002                           greazio.cpp  -  description
00003                              -------------------
00004     begin                : Sun Nov 26 2000
00005     copyright            : (C) 2000 by Giuseppe m Pierazzini
00006     email                :
00007  ***************************************************************************
00008  *                                                                         *
00009  *   NA48  simulation program.                                             *
00010  *                                                                         *
00011  ***************************************************************************/
00013 // CP violatio       //Ultima revisione 2-7-99
00014 #include "flyoh.h"
00016 #define BEAM    0
00017 #define DECAY2  2
00018 #define DECAY3  3
00019 #define DECAY4  4
00020 #define DECAY5  5
00021 #define URTO2   8
00022 #define URTO3   9
00023 #define NOTDEFINED -999999.
00025 int pattern;
00027 using namespace std;
00028 //==============================================================
00029 //               R E A Z I O N E     Constructor
00030 //==============================================================
00035 Reazione::Reazione ()
00037 {
00039 // Create a new Reaction with links.
00040   TotRea++;
00041   id = TotRea;
00042   if ( last_parz == 0 ) Reaction= this;
00043   else              last_parz->next = this;
00044   up = last_parz;
00045   LastReaction=last_parz = this;
00046   this->next = 0;
00047   SelRea=this;
00048 // reset counters for   special Reactions ....
00051   ss_done=-1; // for thre bodies decay ..partfase ss calculation... -1 == not done; 1 == ok
00052   Pair_done=Totpair=0;
00053   Gasint_Done=0;
00054   Dalitz_done=Totdltz=0;
00055   Tailsrt_done=Tailsrt=0;
00056   Tailong_done=Tailong=0;
00057   Brem_done=Totbrem=0;
00058   Pipev=Totpart=0;
00059   avo =  Lastpart=0;
00060   header="";
00061   rea_type=rea_pattern=0;
00062 // type =-1 beam, 0=decadimento (default) ,1=urto.  che accade nelle cl derivate
00063   generati = veri = scrnt=trasmessi=ubeam=0;
00064   branch=prodrate=rate = prob = 0.0;
00065   Dnsudp=maxspettro=0.0;
00066   inc_pinc=vxb=vyb=vzb=inc_teta=0.0;
00067   slope=wpinc = 0.0;
00068   rtarg = dztarg = 0.0;
00069   rbers = dzbers = 0.0;
00070   ctau_avo_su_mass=0.0;
00073   if ( up!=0 )
00074     {
00075       Ccoll=up->Ccoll;
00076       rcoll=up->rcoll;
00077       dzcoll=up->dzcoll;
00078     }
00080 // controllo dello zero (bias) del sistema del lab. Tutti i rivelatori sono
00081 // spostati di conseguenza..
00082   if ( Lab_Zero[0]==NOTDEFINED )
00083     {
00084       Gout<<"\n \n *** System lab origin NOT defined.. forced to zero!!!";
00085       Lab_Zero.setvn ( 0.,0.,0. );
00086     }
00089 // legge le schede di definizione della reazione
00091   Leggi_schede_rea();
00093 }
00094 //=================   loop input cards ===
00096 // get the input Data-list from file
00097 void Reazione::Leggi_schede_rea()
00098 {
00099   char line[156];
00100   string stringline,label;
00101   double a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6;
00104   Cardcur->getline ( line, 156 );
00106   while ( !Cardcur->eof() )
00108     {
00109       // Decodifico la linea
00110       stringline=line;
00111       stringstream scheda;
00112       scheda<<line;
00113       scheda>>label>>a1>>a2>>a3>>a4>>a5>>a6;
00115       if ( Dbginput==1 )
00116         {
00117           Gout<<"\n Reaction label: "<<label<<"  Linea:"<<line<<std::endl;
00118         }
00120       if ( label.size()      <1  ||
00121            label.find ( "**" )  ==0  ||
00122            label.find ( "\\\\" ) ==0  ||
00123            label.find ( "//" )  ==0 )
00124         {
00125           Cardcur->getline ( line, 156 );   //line empty or comment next line
00126           continue;
00127         }
00129 // Decodifico la linea
00131       if ( label.find ( "done" ) ==0||label.find ( "end" ) ==0 )
00132         {
00133           type=id*100 + avo->Get_Idm();
00134           if ( avo->Get_Massa() >0.0 ) ctau_avo_su_mass=avo->Get_Ctau() /avo->Get_Massa(); // reabeam...
00135           Gout<<"\n Done reazione <"<<id<<"> "<<header<<"   Br.R."<<rate<<endl;
00136           return;
00137         }
00139       if ( label.find ( "rate" ) ==0 ) branch=prodrate=rate = a1;
00140       else if ( label.find ( "slope" ) ==0 ) slope=a1;
00141       else if ( label.find ( "pinc" ) ==0||label.find ( "upinc" ) ==0 )
00142         {
00143           // beam define by user as gaussian shape (p,wpinc)
00144           // P is the mean value, wpinc is the sigma.
00145           if ( label.find ( "upinc" ) ==0 ) ubeam=1; // set flag for user defined beam
00146           inc_pinc=400.;
00147           inc_teta=0.;
00148           Pinc.setvn ( a1,a2,a3 );
00149           wpinc = a4;
00150           wpincq=wpinc*wpinc;
00151           if ( abs ( a5 ) >0.00001 ) inc_teta=a5;
00152           if ( a6>0.00001 ) inc_pinc=a6;
00153           Vinc_ppp.setvn ( sin ( inc_teta ), 0., cos ( inc_teta ) );
00154           Pinc_ppp=Vinc_ppp*inc_pinc;
00155         }
00156       else if ( label.find ( "target" ) ==0 )
00157         {
00158           Ctarg.setvn ( a1,a2,a3 );
00159           Ctarg=Ctarg-Lab_Zero;
00160           Ctarg.Norma();
00161           rtarg =a4;
00162           dztarg =a5;
00163         }
00164       else if ( label.find ( "coll" ) ==0 )
00165         {
00166           Ccoll.setvn ( a1,a2,a3 );
00167           Ccoll=Ccoll-Lab_Zero;
00168           Ccoll.Norma();
00169           rcoll  = a4;
00170           dzcoll = a5;
00171         }
00172       else if ( label.find ( "bersag" ) ==0 )
00173         {
00174           Cbers.setvn ( a1,a2,a3 );
00175           Cbers=Cbers-Lab_Zero;
00176           Cbers.Norma();
00177           rbers = a4;
00178           dzbers= a5;
00179         }
00180       else if ( label.find ( "pbers" ) == 0 ) //particella inc da destra
00181         {
00182           Pbers.setvn ( a1,a2,a3 );
00183           wpbers = a4;
00184           drbers = a5;
00185         }
00188       else if ( label.find ( "rea" ) == 0 )
00189         {
00191           header=stringline.substr ( label.size(),stringline.size() );
00192           Gout<<"\n get header: "<< header;
00193           Makelist ();
00195           Particella *pp, *pr=avo;
00196 // and Id setting
00197           while ( pr!=0 )
00198             {
00199               pr->Set_Id();
00200               pr=pr->next;
00201             }
00202 // define rea_patern  only beam=0, n= n bodies decay
00203           if ( avo->dw!=0 )
00204             {
00205               int nb=2;
00206               pp=avo->dw;
00207               if ( pp->Get_Type() ==Res ) nb++;
00208               if ( ( pp=avo->dw->rg ) !=0 &&
00209                    pp->Get_Type() ==Res ) nb++;
00210               if ( ( pp=avo->dw->lf ) !=0 &&
00211                    pp->Get_Type() ==Res ) nb++;
00212               rea_pattern=nb;
00213             }
00214 // compatibility test for four bodies decay
00215           if ( rea_pattern==4 )
00216             {
00217               if ( avo->dw->Get_Nome() !=avo->dw->rg->Get_Nome() )
00218                 {
00219                   Gout<<"\n Reaction list error:...<"<<avo->dw->Get_Nome() <<" "<<avo->dw->rg->Get_Nome();
00220                   Gout<<"\nIn four body decay the two res. must have the same names!"<<std::endl;
00221                   exit ( 0 );
00222                 }
00223             }
00224 //    save the particle describing the fix part of the reaction
00225 //    for bremsstrhalung /Paiproduction or see...MkCluster....
00226           avo->Save_Link();
00227           LastpartSave=Lastpart;
00228           TotpartSave=Totpart;
00229         }
00232       else
00233         {
00234           Gout<<"\n Bad line:  "<<line;
00235           exit ( 0 );
00236         }
00238       Cardcur->getline ( line, 156 );
00239     }
00240   Gout<<"\n Warnign ... Reaction  bad ending!!"<<std::endl;
00242 }
00245 //=====================================================================
00246 //                    M a k e l i s t
00247 //====================================================================
00251 void Reazione::
00252 Makelist ()
00253 {
00254   char line[156];
00255   string label,a0,a1,a2,a3,a4,a5;
00259   // possibili patterns di dati in input:
00260   //      lb  0  1  2  3  4  5     indice di pattern
00261   // 0)   pa                     solo beam
00262   // 2)   pa  =  pb pc           decadimento in due corpi
00263   // 3)   pa  =  pb pc pd        decadimento in tre corpi
00264   // 4)   pa  =  pb pc pd pe     decadimento in quattro corpi
00265   // 5)   pa  =  pb pc pd pe pf   decadimento in cinque  corpi
00266   // 8)   pa pb   = pc pd        urto in due corpi (solo nella prima linea)
00267   // 9)   pa pb   = pc pd pe     urto in tre corpi (solo nella prima linea)
00269   Cardcur->getline ( line, 156 );         // da rivedere....!!!!!!!!!!
00270   while ( !Cardcur->eof() )
00271     {
00272       // Decodifico la linea
00275       a0=a1=a2=a3=a4=a5="";
00276       stringstream scheda;
00277       scheda<<line;
00278       scheda>>label>>a0>>a1>>a2>>a3>>a4>>a5;
00282       if ( Dbginput==1 ) Gout<<"\n\n Mklist reads:  "<<line;
00284       if ( label.size()     ==0  ||
00285            label.find ( "**" )  ==0  ||
00286            label.find ( "\\\\" ) ==0  ||
00287            label.find ( "//" )  ==0 )
00288         {
00289           Cardcur->getline ( line, 156 );   //line empty or comment next line
00290           continue;
00291         }
00293       if ( ( a0.size() !=0 &&a1.size() !=0) && ( a0!= "="&& a1 != "=" ) )
00296         {  // check the = position....
00297           cout<<"\n Input card error ...: "<<line<<"  ......exit";
00298           Gout<<"\n Input card error ...: "<<line<<"  ......exit  "
00299           << a0<< "  "<<a0.size() << "  " << a1<< "  "<<a1.size() << "  " << a2<< "  "<<a2.size();
00300           exit ( 0 );
00301         }
00303       if ( label.find ( "fine" )  ==0  ||
00304            label.find ( "end" )  ==0  ||
00305            label.find ( "done" )  ==0 )
00306         {
00307           if ( Dbginput==1 ) Gout<<"\n "<<label;
00308           return;
00309         }
00311 // extract particles
00312       const char *p0=0,*p1=0,*p2=0,*p3=0,*p4=0,*p5=0;
00314 // beam particle
00315       p0= Matter->Ptbsdat ( label.c_str() );
00316       if ( p0==0 )
00317         {
00318           cout<<"\n Reaction  card error ...:  "<<line<<"  ......exit";
00319           Gout<<"\n Reaction  card error ...:  "<<line<<"  ......exit";
00320           exit ( 0 );
00321         }
00323       pattern=-1;
00324 // è solo un beam
00325       if ( a0.size() ==0 ) pattern = BEAM;
00327       else if ( a0 == "=" ) // è un decadimento
00328         {
00329           p1 = Matter->Ptbsdat ( a1.c_str() );
00330           p2 = Matter->Ptbsdat ( a2.c_str() );
00331           p3 = Matter->Ptbsdat ( a3.c_str() );
00332           p4 = Matter->Ptbsdat ( a4.c_str() );
00333           p5 = Matter->Ptbsdat ( a5.c_str() );
00334           if ( p1!=0 && p2!=0 ) pattern = DECAY2;
00335           if ( p1!=0 && p2!=0 && p3 !=0 ) pattern = DECAY3;
00336           if ( p1!=0 && p2!=0 && p3 !=0 && p4!=0 ) pattern = DECAY4;
00337           if ( p1!=0 && p2!=0 && p3 !=0 && p4!=0 && p5!=0 ) pattern = DECAY5;
00340 //        Gout<<"\n "<<a0<<" "<<a1<<" "<<a2<<" "<<a3<<" "<<a4<<" "<<a5<<" "<<a5<<pattern<<endl;
00341         }
00343       else if ( a1 == "=" ) // è un urto
00344         {
00345           p1 = Matter->Ptbsdat ( a0.c_str() );
00346           p2 = Matter->Ptbsdat ( a2.c_str() );
00347           p3 = Matter->Ptbsdat ( a3.c_str() );
00348           p4 = Matter->Ptbsdat ( a4.c_str() );
00349           if ( p1!=0 && p2!=0 && p3 !=0 ) pattern = URTO2;
00350           if ( p1!=0 && p2!=0 && p3 !=0 && p4!=0 ) pattern = URTO3;
00352         }
00354       if ( Dbginput==1 ) Gout<<"\n Pattern found = "<<pattern;
00355       Gout.flush();
00357       if ( pattern == -1 )
00358         {
00359           Gout << "\n MakeLista: Pattern errore 2 ... exit";
00360           exit ( 0 );
00361         }
00363       if ( ( pattern == 0 ) && avo != 0 )
00364         {
00365           Gout << "\n MakeLista: avo errore 0,4,5... exit";
00366           exit ( 0 );
00367         }
00368 // definisco l'avo della lista se non gia' fatto.
00369 // altrimenti definisco il pontatore padre della decadimento...
00370       Particella *padre, *madre, *ccms;
00372       if ( avo == 0 )
00373         { 
00374           if ( pattern==URTO2||pattern==URTO3 )
00375             {
00376                 rea_type=1; //urto
00377               avo = padre = NuovaBullet ( p0 );   //Type == Bullet
00378             }
00379           else //decay o beam
00380             {
00381               rea_type=0; 
00382               avo = padre = NuovaPart ( p0 );
00383               avo->Set_Type ( Beam ); // è la prima particella della lista... è il fascio.
00384             }
00386           if ( pattern==BEAM )
00387             { 
00388               rea_type=-1;
00389               Cardcur->getline ( line, 156 );
00390               continue;
00391             }
00392         }
00393       else padre = avo->Ptr_Particle ( p0 );
00394       if ( padre == 0 )
00395         {
00396           Gout << "\n MakeLista: Wrong name or chaining error < "<<p0<<" > ....exit. "<<endl;
00397           exit ( 0 );
00398         }
00400 //======================================
00401 //======================================
00402       if ( pattern == BEAM );
00404       else if ( pattern == DECAY2 ) padre->Decay_in_2 ( p1, p2 );
00405       else if ( pattern == DECAY3 ) padre->Decay_in_3 ( p1,p2,p3 );
00406       else if ( pattern == DECAY4 ) padre->Decay_in_4 ( p1,p2,p3,p4 ); 
00407       else if ( pattern == DECAY5 ) padre->Decay_in_5 ( p1,p2,p3,p4,p5 );
00411       //**************************************************************************
00412 //    Sezione urti da rivedere
00413       else if ( pattern == URTO2 ) // two bodies final status // da controllare....!!!!!
00414         {
00415           madre = NuovaPart ( p1 );
00416           madre->Set_Type ( Bers );
00417           padre->Aggiorna_link_Bullet ( madre );
00418 // attenzione  Cms deve essere definita  meglio.... Anzi va ridefinita ad ogni interazione...
00419           ccms = NuovaPart ( Cms );
00420           ccms->Set_Type ( Bari );
00421           if ( Dbginput==1 ) Gout<<"\n Define dummy Res: "<<Cms;
00422           padre->Aggiorna_link ( 0, madre, 0, 0 );
00423           madre->Aggiorna_link ( 0, 0,ccms, padre );
00424           ccms->Decay_in_2 ( p2, p3 );
00425         }
00426       else if ( pattern == URTO3 ) // three bodies final status
00428         {
00429           madre = NuovaPart ( p1 );
00430           madre->Set_Type ( Bers );
00431           padre->Aggiorna_link_Bullet ( madre );
00432           ccms = NuovaPart ( Cms );
00433           ccms->Set_Type ( Bari );
00434           if ( Dbginput==1 ) Gout<<"\n Define dummy Res: "<<Cms;
00435           padre->Aggiorna_link ( 0, madre, 0, 0 );
00436           madre->Aggiorna_link ( 0, 0,ccms, padre );
00437           ccms->Decay_in_3 ( p2,p3,p4 );
00438         }
00440       Cardcur->getline ( line, 156 );
00441     }
00442 }
00445 //                    N u o v a p a r t
00446 Particella *Reazione::NuovaPart ( const  char *pnome )
00447 {
00449   Partname=pnome;
00450   Particella *punta=0;
00452   if ( pnome==Res )         punta = new PartFase();     // due corpi solo spazio fasi
00453   else if ( pnome==Res2 )   punta = new PartFase();    // per tre corpi solo spazio fasi
00454   else if ( pnome==Res3 )   punta = new Partres4;   // per il decadimento a 4
00455   else if ( pnome==Res4 )   punta = new Partres5;   // per il decadimento a 5 corpi secondo lo spazio delle fasi...
00456   else if ( pnome==Pic2 )   punta = new Part3pic ( slope );   // decadimento K in 3 pic
00457   else if ( pnome==Pi02 )   punta = new Part3pi0 ( slope );  // dec in tre pi0
00458   else if ( pnome==P00p )   punta = new Partp00p;      //decadimento in pi0 pi0 pic
00459   else if ( pnome==Pvv )    punta = new PartPvv;  //Risonanza nu nu per decadimento Kl->pi0 nu nu
00460   else if ( pnome==Dlz )    punta = new PartDltz;   // dalitz
00461   else if ( pnome==Munu )   punta = new PartMunu;   // munu in K3l
00462   else if ( Abilita_Brems>0  &&
00463             ( pnome==Mum || pnome==Mup||
00464               pnome==Elec|| pnome==Elep ) )  punta = new PartLepton(); // tiene conto del bremsstrhalung
00465   else if ( Abilita_Pair>0 && pnome==Gam )  punta = new PartGam(); //with pair production..
00467   else    punta=  new Particella();
00469   if ( Dbginput==1 ) Gout<<"\n Creato " << pnome;
00472   return punta;
00475 }
00476 Particella *Reazione::NuovaBullet ( const  char *pnome )
00477 {
00478   Partname=pnome;
00479   Particella *punta=0;
00480   punta=  new PartBullet();
00481   if ( Dbginput==1 ) Gout<<"\n Creato bullet " << pnome;
00482   return punta;
00483 }
00487 //===============================================
00491 void Reazione:: AddGen()
00492 {
00493   generati++;
00494 //   remember the last event type...
00495   evento_.Gen.lastype=evento_.Gen.type;
00496   evento_.Gen.type =type;
00497 }
00499 //===============================================================
00500 //                 S t a m p a _ r e a z i o n i
00501 //===============================================================
00505 void Reazione::
00506 Stampa ()
00507 {
00508 //  using namespace std;
00509   Reazione *pts;
00510   pts = Reaction;
00511   while ( pts != 0 )
00512     {
00513       Gout<<"\n\n[Stampa_reazioni] \n  Reaction n. "<< setw ( 5 ) <<pts->id<<" [ "<<pts->header<<" ]";
00514       Gout<<"\n  Reaction pattern type:         "<<pts->rea_pattern;
00515       Gout<<"\n  Interaction parameter (slope): "<<pts->slope;
00516       Gout<<"\n  Tipo di reazione: "<< pts->rea_type
00517       <<"\n  Beam:   "<< ( pts->ubeam?"Gaussian profile by user":"Standard" );
00518       Gout<<"\n  Tot.rate = "
00519       <<setprecision ( 4 ) <<fixed
00520       <<setw ( 8 ) << pts->rate;
00521       Gout<<"\n  Prod target "
00522       <<setprecision ( 2 ) <<fixed
00523       <<setw ( 8 ) <<pts->Ctarg[0]<<" "
00524       <<setw ( 8 ) <<pts->Ctarg[1]<<" "
00525       <<setw ( 8 ) <<pts->Ctarg[2]<<" r="
00526       <<setw ( 8 ) << pts->rtarg<<" dz="
00527       <<setw ( 8 ) << pts->dztarg;
00529       pts->avo->Stampa_particle ( this );
00530       pts = pts->next;
00531     }
00533   Gout<<endl;
00534 }
00535 //=================================================================
00536 void Reazione::
00537 PrintPinc ()
00538 {
00539   Gout<<" P =("
00540   <<setprecision ( 3 ) <<fixed
00541   <<setw ( 8 ) <<Pinc[0]<<" "
00542   <<setw ( 8 ) <<Pinc[1]<<" "
00543   <<setw ( 8 ) <<Pinc[2]<<") dp="
00544   <<setw ( 8 ) <<wpinc<<endl;
00545   Gout.setf ( ios::floatfield );
00546 }
00548 void Reazione::
00549 PrintPbers ()
00550 {
00551   Gout<<" P =("
00552   <<setprecision ( 3 ) <<fixed
00553   <<setw ( 8 ) <<Pbers[0]<<" "
00554   <<setw ( 8 ) <<Pbers[1]<<" "
00555   <<setw ( 8 ) <<Pbers[2]<<") dp="
00556   <<setw ( 8 ) <<wpbers<<" drad="
00557   <<setw ( 8 ) <<drbers<<endl;
00558   Gout.setf ( ios::floatfield );
00559 }
00560 //===============================================================
00561 //                 F i n e _ r u n
00562 //===============================================================
00567 void Reazione::
00568 Fine_run ()
00569 {
00570   int gen=0,totnt=0,Vtot=0,VTtot=0,Tpair=0,Tlsrt=0,Tlong=0, Totpipev=0 ;
00571   int tgasdone=0;
00572   int Tdlz=0,Tbrem=0;
00573   Reazione *pts;
00574 // calcolo dei protoni equivalenti su targhetta.
00575 // vedi nota 01/GmP  Pisa 19.6.99
00576   double totime=TBurst->Get_TTempo();
00577   Gout<<"\n\n ----------   F i n e _ R u n "<<evento_.Gen.Run<<"  -----------\n";
00578   Gout.setf ( ios::floatfield , ios::scientific );
00579   Gout<<setprecision ( 5 )
00580   <<"\n\nTot PPP "<<Protoni<<"   in "<< totime <<" ns"<<endl;
00584   Gout.setf ( ios::left, ios::adjustfield );
00585   pts = Reaction;
00586   Gout<<"\nBeam  type Id   Gen       Gas      Dlz   Pair  Brem  Hsr     Hlg   Piped   Writ       Titolo";
00588   while ( pts != 0 )
00589     {
00590       Gout<<"\n <"
00591       <<setw ( 4 ) <<pts->avo->Get_Nome() <<" "
00592       <<setw ( 4 ) <<pts->type<<" "
00593       <<setw ( 3 ) <<pts->id<<"> "
00594       <<setw ( 8 ) <<pts->generati<<"   "
00595       <<setw ( 8 ) <<pts->Gasint_Done<<" "
00596       <<setw ( 5 ) <<pts->Totdltz<<" "
00597       <<setw ( 5 ) <<pts->Totpair<<" "
00598       <<setw ( 5 ) <<pts->Totbrem<<" "
00599       <<setw ( 5 ) <<pts->Tailsrt<<" "
00600       <<setw ( 5 ) <<pts->Tailong<<" "
00601       <<setw ( 7 ) <<pts->Pipev<<" "
00602       <<setw ( 7 ) <<pts->scrnt<<" "
00603       <<setw ( 25 ) <<pts->header;
00605       gen+=   pts->generati;
00606       tgasdone+=pts->Gasint_Done;
00607       totnt+= pts->scrnt;
00608       Vtot+=  pts->veri;
00609       VTtot+= pts->trasmessi;
00610       Tlsrt+= pts->Tailsrt;
00611       Tlong+= pts->Tailong;
00612       Tpair+= pts->Totpair;
00613       Tdlz+=  pts->Totdltz;
00614       Tbrem+= pts->Totbrem;
00615       Totpipev+= pts->Pipev;
00616       pts =   pts->next;
00617     }
00619   Gout<<"\n  T o t a l i :  "
00620   <<setw ( 8 ) <<gen<<"   "
00621   <<setw ( 8 ) <<tgasdone<<" "
00622   <<setw ( 5 ) <<Tdlz<<" "
00623   <<setw ( 5 ) <<Tpair<<" "
00624   <<setw ( 5 ) <<Tbrem<<" "
00625   <<setw ( 5 ) <<Tlsrt<<" "
00626   <<setw ( 5 ) <<Tlong<<" "
00627   <<setw ( 7 ) <<Totpipev<<" "
00628   <<setw ( 7 ) <<totnt<<" "
00629   <<" All Reactions";
00630   Gout<<"\n\nTau per ppp produced   "<<totime/Protoni<<" Tau per evento written "<< totime/totnt <<endl;
00631   Gout<<"\n\nLast event ="<<setw ( 8 ) <<evento_.Gen.Event<<" Normal end run....."<<std::endl;
00632   return;
00633 }
00635 //===============================================================
00636 //                 S e l e c t _ r e a t i o n
00637 //===============================================================
00638 // Select a Reaction according to the rate.
00642 Reazione *Reazione::
00643 Select_reation ()
00644 {
00645   Reazione *pts;
00646   double prb = Pran();
00648   pts = Reaction;
00649   while ( pts != 0 )
00650     {
00651       if ( prb <= pts->prob )
00652         {
00653           return ( pts );
00654         }
00655       pts = pts->next;
00656     }
00658   return ( pts );
00659 }
00660 //==========================================================================
00661 //                 N o r m a _ R a t e
00662 //===============================================================
00663 // Normalizza i rate di decadimento.
00667 void Reazione::
00668 Norma_Rate()
00669 {
00670   Reazione *pts;
00672   double tprob=0.0,sigmat=0.0;
00673   Gout<<"\n\n  Rates normalization....";
00674   pts = Reaction;
00675   while ( pts != 0 )
00676     {
00677       sigmat+=pts->prodrate;
00678       pts = pts->next;
00679     }
00680   pts=Reaction;
00682         // rinormnalizzazione della sezione d'urto totale.....
00683          // sigmat*=10.;
00685   while ( pts != 0 )
00686     {
00688       // calcolo del rate di produzione normalizzato
00689       pts->rate=pts->prodrate/sigmat;
00690       tprob+=pts->rate;
00691       pts->prob=tprob;  // probabilita' integrale... per la generazione.
00697       Gout.setf ( ios::floatfield , ios::scientific );
00699       Gout<<"\n Rea: "
00700       <<setprecision ( 3 ) <<setw ( 2 ) <<pts->id
00701       <<"   Ev/PPP " <<setw ( 11 ) <<pts->prodrate
00702       <<"   Normalizzato "<<setw ( 8 ) <<pts->rate
00703       <<"  Integrale " <<setw ( 8 ) <<pts->prob
00704       <<"   " <<setw ( 8 ) <<pts->header;
00705       pts = pts->next;
00707     }
00708   //  fattore di normalizzazione della sezione d'urto.....
00709   double Aggiusta_Protoni=0.05;
00710   Protoni=Aggiusta_Protoni*evento_.Mxev/sigmat;
00711   double tgen=TBurst->Get_Tburst() * ( Protoni/ppp );
00712   double tmedio=tgen/evento_.Mxev;
00713   Gout<<"\n\n For all reactions: "
00714   <<setprecision ( 5 ) <<setw ( 2 )
00715   <<" Ev/PPP " <<setw ( 11 ) <<sigmat
00716   <<"\n Needed Protons  "<<setw ( 8 ) <<Protoni
00717   <<"   for  "<<setw ( 8 ) <<evento_.Mxev<<" Events "
00718   <<"\n Production time   "<<setw ( 6 ) << tgen<<" ns  with Tau "
00719   <<setw ( 6 ) << tmedio<<" ns between two events.   "
00720         <<setw ( 6 ) << 1000000./tmedio<<" kfreq  Eventi secondo\n-----------------------";
00722 //separazione temporale in ns tra due protoni no sterili.....
00724   TBurst->Set_Tmed ( tmedio );
00726 }
00727 //================================================================
00728 //              R e s e t _ R e a z i  o n e
00729 //=================================================================
00733 void Reazione::
00734 Reset_Rea()
00735 {
00737   Particella *pr= LastpartSave->next,*questa=0;
00738   Lastpart->next=0;
00739   Lastpart= LastpartSave;
00741   LastpartSave->next=0;
00742   Totpart=TotpartSave;
00743   avo->Restore_Link();
00744   avo->Reset_Stato();
00746 // free the memory.... or destroy the partucle....
00747   while ( pr!=0 )
00748     {
00749       questa=pr;
00750       pr=pr->next;
00751       delete questa;  // here delete the particle
00752     }
00754   ss_done=-1; //ss calculation in partfase for three bodies...
00755   Pair_done=0;
00756   Brem_done=0;
00757   Dalitz_done=0;
00758   Tailsrt_done=0;
00759   Tailong_done=0;
00760   mbrem=mdltz=mspair=eeb=eleb=edltz1=edltz2=0.0;
00761   GasIdo=0;
00762 }
00763 //--------------------------------------------------------------*/
00764 //               Particle simple list                           */
00765 //--------------------------------------------------------------*/
00770 void Reazione::
00771 Simple_List()
00772 {
00773   // itaration method not use this procedura in the loop....
00774   Particella *loopx;
00777   Gout<<"\n \nEV  "<<Eventi_Fatti<<"  Reaction particle list: "<< header;
00778   loopx = avo;
00779   Gout
00780   <<"\n     n        id   idm  nome  type    ch       mas    width    t_life          <  G.Z       Gp   >    <   Dead at: X           >      path      fato    Ifato";
00782   while ( loopx != 0 )
00783     {
00784       Gout<<"\n"
00785       <<setprecision ( 2 ) <<fixed
00786       <<setw ( 8 ) << loopx->Get_Ido() <<" "
00787       <<setw ( 8 ) << loopx->Get_Id() <<" "
00788       <<setw ( 3 ) << loopx->Get_Idm() <<" "
00789       <<setw ( 6 ) << loopx->Get_Nome() <<" "
00790       <<setw ( 6 ) << loopx->Get_Type() <<" "
00791       <<setw ( 6 ) << loopx->Get_Charg() <<" "
00792       <<setw ( 8 ) << loopx->Get_Massa() <<" "
00793       <<setw ( 8 ) << loopx->Get_Width() <<" "
00794       <<setw ( 8 ) << loopx->Get_Ctau() <<"      "
00795       <<setw ( 9 ) << loopx->Get_Gx().z <<" "
00796       <<setw ( 9 ) << loopx->Get_Gp().norma<<"     "
00797       <<setw ( 9 ) << loopx->X.x <<" "
00798       <<setw ( 9 ) << loopx->X.y <<" "
00799       <<setw ( 9 ) << loopx->X.z <<"   "
00800       <<setw ( 9 ) << loopx->path_done<<"   "
00801       <<setw ( 8 ) << loopx->Get_Fato() <<" "
00802       <<setw ( 6 ) << loopx->Get_Ifato();
00803       loopx = loopx->next;
00804     }
00805   Gout<<endl;
00806   if ( next!=0 ) next->Simple_List(); //iterate... attention
00807 }
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