FlyoDoc_2011 Pisa 2011 by GmP --- 011


00001 /***************************************************************************
00002                           mattpar  -  description
00003                              -------------------
00004     begin                : Wed Aug 18 2004
00005     copyright            : (C) 2004 by gmp
00006     email                : peppe@newpeppe
00007  ***************************************************************************/
00008 #ifndef MATTPAR_H
00009 #define MATTPAR_H
00017 void     Crea_materiali_db();
00018 class MattPar
00019 {
00020   const char *nome,*status;
00021   int id, Z;  
00022   double A,ZsuA,Intl,Dedx,X0,X0l,Ro;
00024 /*
00025 These Class describes the parameters of various materials 
00026 used in the constructions of the different devices.
00027 The parameter list is at beginning of each *.app file.
00028 @author Giuseppe Pierazzini
00029 */
00031 //id numero d'ordine, Na numero medio atomico
00032 // ro densita' in g/cm3 , rad in cm
00034   public:
00036   MattPar(const char *,const char *, int, double, double,double,double, double );
00037  ~MattPar();
00039   MattPar * primo, *next;
00040   void Show();
00041   MattPar *PntElem(std::string);
00042   const char *Get_Nome(){return nome;}
00043   int Get_Z(){return Z;}
00044   double Get_A(){return A;}
00045   double Get_ZsuA(){return ZsuA;}
00046   void   Set_ZsuA(double za){ZsuA=za;}
00047   double Get_Intl(){return Ro?Intl/Ro:0.0;}   // test on Ro
00048   double Get_Dedxl(){return Dedx*Ro*0.001;}  // report in Gev/cm
00049   double Get_Rad(){return X0;}
00050   double Get_Radl(){return X0l;}    //report in Gev/cm
00051   double Get_Ro(){return Ro;}  
00052 };
00053 #endif
00055 #if defined(MAINFLYO)
00056 MattPar *Elemento=0;
00057 #endif
00058 #if !defined(MAINFLYO)                      
00059 extern MattPar *Elemento;
00060 #endif
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