FlyoDoc_2011 Pisa 2011 by GmP --- 011


00001 *** Studio decadimenti K  Pisa 8.01.01
00002 *** dati generati con i fondi
00003 *** complete geomtry with hole etcc...
00004 ***dbginput
00005 illumina
00006 errori
00007 scatter
00008 perdita
00009 **pairprod    1         // automatic pair  and bremsstrhalung   default 0
00010 **bremsstrahlung    3    // 0,1,2,3,...number of  bremstrhalung gam generation...default 0
00011 ppp    1.e12            //protoni per puls o burst 
00012 tburst   3.0e+9         //lunghezza burst in sec
00013 correla  1
00014 run   1
00015 wrtnt
00016 **wrtntall
00017 k2pi
00019 maxevnt   300
00020 debgf    0               // debug first
00021 debgl    2             // debug last
00022 *****
00023 data_base  
00024 gam         0.        0.       -1.     0
00025 elec   0.00051        0.       -1.    -1
00026 elep   0.00051        0.       -1.     1
00027 nu          0.        0.       -1.     0
00028 mum     .10565        0.       -1.    -1
00029 mup     .10565        0.       -1.     1
00030 n       .93957        0.       -1.     0
00031 p       .93827        0.       -1.     1
00032 pip     .13956        0.    780.45     1
00033 pim     .13956        0.    780.45    -1
00034 pi0     .13497        0.        0.     0
00035 eta     .5488         0.        0.     0
00036 Kp      .49367        0.     371.3     1
00037 Km      .49367        0.     371.3    -1
00038 Kl      .49767        0.    1551.0     0
00039 Ks      .49767        0.     2.676     0
00040 Ro      .770        .153        .0     0
00041 W       .783        .008        .0     0
00042 fy      1.0194    .00441        .0     0
00043 Dum     1.500         0.    1554.0     0
00044 res      .0           .0        .0     0
00045 cms      .0           .0        .0     0
00046 dlz      .0           .0        .0     0
00047 pic2     .0           .0        .0     0
00048 pi02     .0           .0        .0     0
00049 done
00050 unseen nu
00051 **fisica cms 10
00052 **
00053 decay     Kl
00054 rate           0.00904
00055 target  0. 0. -12000.  0.1 40.
00056 pinc      0.   0.  120.   75. -0.0024 450.
00057 coll    0.0  0.0 -7898.0  0.63 1.
00058 reazione Kl  => pim pip
00059 Kl =  pim pip
00060 pim = mum nu
00061 pip = mup nu
00062 fine
00063 end
00064 ***********************************************************
00065 *****************  A p p a r a t o
00066 fiducial -2000.     5000.    // from defining collimator  .. attenzione in
00067 zona      13000.             // ultima zeta dell'apparato ****
00069 device   corona
00070 **writeout
00071 nome     Coll
00072 detect   gam       dump
00073 detect   pip       dump
00074 detect   pim       dump
00075 detect   Kp        dump
00076 detect   Km        dump
00077 detect   p         dump
00078 detect   mup
00079 detect   mum
00080 flags    none
00081 centro   0.0        0.0     275.0
00082 densita  7.87       1.45     //ferro
00083 radi     232.9      0.0 
00084 rin      3.0        0.0      205.0
00085 rout     140.       0.0      205.0
00086 end
00087 *****
00088 device   corona
00089 nome     Kvlr
00090 **writeout
00091 detect   gam
00092 detect   elec
00093 detect   elep
00094 detect   mup
00095 detect   mum
00096 detect   char
00097 flags    none
00098 centro   0.0        0.0     9568.7
00099 densita  0.8        1.5
00100 radi     0.0034     0.0
00101 rin       7.9       0.0     0.1
00102 rout     140.       0.0     0.1
00103 end
00104 device   chamber
00105 nome     Cam1
00106 writeout
00107 flags    trigger
00108 detect   gam         noreg
00109 detect   elec
00110 detect   elep
00111 detect   char
00112 centro   0.0    0.0        9708.6
00113 radi     0.0043     0.0
00114 rin      9.6        0.0    15.
00115 rout     135.       0.0    15.
00116 end
00117 ***
00118 device   chamber
00119 nome     Cam2
00120 writeout
00121 flags    trigger
00122 detect   gam          noreg
00123 detect   elec
00124 detect   elep
00125 detect   char
00126 centro   0.0        0.0     10627.1
00127 radi     0.0043     0.0
00128 rin      9.6        0.0     15.
00129 rout     135.       0.0     15.
00130 end
00131 ***
00132 ***   Standard field 3575.
00133 device   magnete
00134 nome     Magn
00135 **writeout
00136 flags    magn
00137 detect   char
00138 centro   0.0        0.0     10896.8
00139 densita  0.000125  1.93         *** helium..vedi sotto
00140 radi     0.00       0.00048
00141 field    -0.15      3575.      .15
00142 sizein   120.       120.    120.
00143 sizeout  120.       120.    120.
00144 end
00145 ***
00146 device   chamber
00147 nome     Cam3
00148 writeout
00149 flags    trigger
00150 detec    gam        noreg
00151 detect   elec
00152 detect   elep
00153 detect   char
00154 centro   0.0        0.0     11166.
00155 radi     0.0043     0.0
00156 rin      9.6        0.0     15.
00157 rout     135.       0.0     15.
00158 end
00159 ***
00160 device   chamber
00161 nome     Cam4
00162 writeout
00163 flags    trigger
00164 detec    gam        noreg
00165 detect   elec
00166 detect   elep
00167 detect   char
00168 centro   0.0        0.0     11887.
00169 rin      9.6        0.0     15.
00170 rout     135.       0.0     15.
00171 end
00172 ***
00173 device   hod48
00174 nome     Hodo
00175 writeout
00176 flags    trigger
00177 detect   elec
00178 detect   elep
00179 detect   char
00180 centro   0.0        0.0     11988.5
00181 sizeout  121.       121.     1.
00182 rin      12.8       0.0      1.
00183 end
00184 ***
00185 device   lkr48
00186 **escludi // aggiungere  ** all'inizio, per commentare
00187 nome     Lkry
00188 writeout
00189 flags    trigger
00190 detect   gam        dump
00191 detect   elec       dump
00192 detect   elep       dump
00193 detect   mum
00194 detect   mup
00195 detect   char
00196 centro   0.0        0.0     12171.4
00197 densita  3.7        1.2        ** krypton ....
00198 rin      8.6        0.0     30.
00199 rout     130.       0.0     30.
00200 end
00201 ***
00202 device   hac48
00203 **escludi // aggiungere  ** all'inizio, per commentare
00204 nome     Hadc
00205 writeout
00206 flags    trigger
00207 detect   mum
00208 detect   mup
00209 detect   pip       dump
00210 detect   pim       dump
00211 detect   Kp        dump
00212 detect   Km        dump
00213 centro   0.0        0.0     12421.3
00214 densita  4.0        1.6            ** ferro e plastica
00215 rin      9.6        0.0     80.
00216 sizeout  135.       135.    80.
00217 end
00218 ***
00219 device   rettcili
00220 nome     Muvt
00221 writeout
00222 flags    trigg
00223 detect   char       dump
00224 centro   0.0        0.0     12905.5.
00225 rin      10.6       0.0     80.
00226 sizeout  135.       135.    80.
00227 end
00228 ******
00229 device   magnete
00230 nome     Blue
00231 **writeout
00232 escludi          // va incluso se voglia l'effetto .. asteriscare!!
00233 flags    magn
00234 detect   char
00235 centro   0.0        0.0     4750.
00236 field    .13       0.12        0.0
00237 ***field varibile    fornito da User routine
00238 sizein   120.       120.    4250.
00239 sizeout  120.       120.    4250.
00240 end
00241 ****     controllare dimensioni
00242 ***** helium   gas:   Densita 0.178 g/l, x0=94.32 g/cm2
00243 ****  L0= 10*94.32/0.178 =5299 mt  radi= 2*11.794/5299= 0.0045
00244 ****  Min Ener 1.93 MeV/g/cm2
00245 device  basedev
00246 nome    Base
00247 **writeout
00248 escludi   **  va esluso dalla loop dei rivelatori
00249 centro   0.0        0.0     10703.125
00250 densita  0.000125   1.93
00251 radi     0.0045     0.0
00252 sizeout  200.       200.    1171.85
00253 rin       9.6        9.6    1171.85
00254 end
00255 done
00256 ***
00257 end_all
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