The study of the effect due to a
DCH rotation along z-axis has been performed by
adopting the same method described in the note (2).
Here the perturbation applied to the correlated events generated by
flyo, is a 2 mrad rotation of DCH3.
The analisys shows an effect on the reconstructed mass of the K and a
distortion on the reconstructed u that fortunately cancels out on the
averaged sample.
The final slope δg is not spoiled by this effect.
Mass distrubution
Here the mass distributions for a rotation of 2 mrad and 6 mrad are
reported as well as the plots of the masses versus the angle φ of the
odd pion. Note that the resolution on the reconstructed Kaon mass is
worse than in the case of "imperturbated" sample because the rotation
induces a dependency of the mass on the odd pion azimuthal angle.
clik on the figure to enlarge.
--Mouse middle button--
mk for at 2 mrad
mk vs φ at 2 mrad;
mk at 6 mrad
mk vs φ at 6 mrad
u distributions history for all the categories.
Recall that the distributions af the imperturbated categories have to
be identical. Here, however the perturbation is at work and it modifies
slightly the u values, as it could be verified looking at the u
corresponding distributions (last three plots), with different magnetic
field orientation. On the other hand the corresponding distributions
with the same field, are perfectely identical.
First case
A null slope is found when "non-crossed ratio" are fitted.
u-/u+ up
u-/u+ dw
u-/u+ merged data
Why? The two samples entering in each of the above ratios are bound by
the trasformation CRπ rotating the geometry of the event of
180 degrees around the z axes and trasforming a K+ into a K-
(see the note 2). Now the 2 mrad rotation modifies the
horizontally projected curvatures and the corresponding u values
exactly in the same way for K- and K+ at a given
orientation of the magnetic field.
Second case
A different choice could be done in making partial distribution ratio:
the "crossed ratio"
(see again the note 2)
u- dw/u+ up
u- up/u+ dw
The two distributions show a general fluctuation and a chi2 for the
slope fitting is a little bit worse then in the previous case, but the
slope value stay always at zero!
The fluctuations on the two plots, fortunately, are tightly correlated
and they cancel out on the merged data.
Why the fluctuations? The two samples envolved in the same ratio are
bound by the CPx that
reflects the event geometries respect to horizontal plane and
transforms a K+ into a K-. Now the 2 mrad
rotation modifies the horizontally projected curvatures, toward
a direction which depends on the primary kaon charge.
In conclusion let us note that the affect is well under controll; in fact the rotation,
if not too large, it is not spoiling to much the slope evaluation! However just
looking at the mass and at the mass vs φ, a credibile guess on the
rotation could be derived; It seems to reach in fact a sensibility of a
mrad. The main difference between this case and that of the previous
shift perturbation (note 2) is that the umbiassed distribution ratios
here are those between classes of avents collected with the same
magnetic field, while for the shift case the umbiassed rations are
derived from crossed class respect to the magnetic field.